nopCommerce 3.80 BETA released. Please share your impressions

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Hace 7 años
What happen in the excel export in product..
Missing a lot of culomns
Hace 7 años
Excellent work on the 3.8 release. I'm really liking the admin look and enhancements.

I have a question... it looks like there was a significant change to the AutoMapper API but the notes make no reference to it and I only stumbled upon it by adding a plugin that made use of the old API.

Here is an example of how I did it with the old API

public class AutoMapperStartupTask : IStartupTask
        public void Execute()
            Mapper.CreateMap<Entity, EntityModel>();
            Mapper.CreateMap<EntityModel, Entity>();
        public int Order
            get { return 1; }

What is the preferred pattern to use auto mapper from a plugin with the upgraded API?
Hace 7 años
Hello All,

Congratulations with the beta 3.8 release. love the new admin panel redesign. Is it too late to request excel import export for specification and product attributes. And an easy way to associate specification and product attributes to products?

Hace 7 años
procommercemarket wrote:
What happen in the excel export in product..
Missing a lot of culomns

If you are in Advanced mode all columns are exported. If you are in Basic mode only te selected properties are exported
Hace 7 años
Hi Andrei

Firstly I have to say you have done a first class job with the new Admin, I am sure it's going to be a great success with both existing and new users, absolutely a 100% improvement from the last Admin.

I have been working on our plugins and upgrading them to 3.80, and i have added them in the normal way to the menu, which show up fine at the bottom of the menu under "Plugins" without an icon, but when selecting each one of the plugins it takes you to directly to the "Widget Menu", instead of the chosen "Plugin configuration page".

So we have two issues, 1) there is no Icon for the plugins menu, and 2) Plugin Links need to redirect to the chosen plugin admin configuration page and not the widget menu.
Hace 7 años
New York wrote:
Thanks.   Does the beta no-source link point to updated code, or do we need to download current source and build it ourselves?

No, it's not updated
Hace 7 años
aiminfosys wrote:
Congratulations with the beta 3.8 release. love the new admin panel redesign. Is it too late to request excel import export for specification and product attributes. And an easy way to associate specification and product attributes to products?

3.80 BETA does not contains export/import of products attributes. But the final 3.80 will have it (yeah, finally)! Please see this commit

Specification attributes (Export/import) will be implemented later
Hace 7 años
XtremeCommerce wrote:
Hi Andrei

Firstly I have to say you have done a first class job with the new Admin, I am sure it's going to be a great success with both existing and new users, absolutely a 100% improvement from the last Admin.

I have been working on our plugins and upgrading them to 3.80, and i have added them in the normal way to the menu, which show up fine at the bottom of the menu under "Plugins" without an icon, but when selecting each one of the plugins it takes you to directly to the "Widget Menu", instead of the chosen "Plugin configuration page".

So we have two issues, 1) there is no Icon for the plugins menu, and 2) Plugin Links need to redirect to the chosen plugin admin configuration page and not the widget menu.


1. Thanks a lot. Fixed
2. I cannot reproduce this issue. How exactly have you implemented IAdminMenuPlugin interface?
Hace 7 años
public void ManageSiteMap(SiteMapNode rootNode)
            var pluginNode = rootNode.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemName == "Third party plugins");
            if (pluginNode != null)
                var newNode = new SiteMapNode()
                    Title = string.Format("XtremeCommerce {0}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Widgets.XtremeCommerce.Sliders")),
                    // Title for your Custom Menu Item
                    ControllerName = "Widget", // Your controller Name
                    ActionName = "ConfigureWidget", // Action Name
                    Visible = true,
                    RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "area", "admin" } }

                newNode.ChildNodes.Add(new SiteMapNode()
                    Title = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Configuration.Settings"),
                    //   Title for your Sub Menu item
                    ControllerName = "Widget", // Your controller Name
                    ActionName = "ConfigureWidget", // Action Name
                    Visible = true,
                    RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "systemName", this.PluginDescriptor.SystemName } },
Hace 7 años
xenophon wrote:
I noticed the the %Order.Product(s)% token in email messages does not show the ordered products.
Only the header of the table and the total amount of the order is shown. The ordered products are missing.
I've just tested it. I cannot reproduce it. Everything works fine. Products are visible.
I have the same issue...

Thanks a lot! It really didn't work when placing an order. But it workedfine for already placed orders (e.g. when shipping, etc). Fixed
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