Sys is not defined error

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Hace 14 años
I just had my site installed. When I go to the administration area to edit the topics I wouldn't see the topic. The error is the Sys is not defined. It looks like something is missing in the installation. Can any body tell me what went wrong with my installation and  what I should do to fix it. Thanks.
Hace 14 años
Sys is undefined, it's a javascript error. It has to do with ajax extensions on your server. Is it on your hosting or on local computer?
Hace 13 años
i have the same problem in version 1.50 in my hosting any body can advice me please
Hace 13 años
Have you tried this solution ?
Hace 13 años
In case anyone need it, here I post a solution that worked for me:
(it has a lot of text but you can avoid it and just read the begining)
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