Regarding MVC.NET

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Hace 14 años
Hello NOP and the rest of the Community,

First I wan't to stress that this is not a question whether a version is planned, I have seen the questions and answers already.

Rather, this is a question whether it would be viable for my own store to use NOP as a framework while doing my own client. This assumes I know MVC(fairly well) and NOP(learning). There are tons of reasons why MVC is a good choice for e-commerce(I assume most have seen the great fancyoutfits example).

What I really wan't to know is this, are there any show-stoppers that anyone could see right now for this? The NOP framework/core itself seems solid to me and what else should I worry about?

Thank you all in advance,

Hace 14 años
Well since this question didn't recieve any replies. Is it ok to fork NOP?
Hace 14 años
We're thinking about moving to MVC in the further releases
Hace 14 años
BWT you can go and vote here
Hace 13 años
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
BWT you can go and vote here

I understand but did you consider my first question? Is there something today (as you can see) that would be a show stopper if I decided to just use the framework and do my own MVC client? Any of your previous clients did the same?

I should add that I mean to use the commersial license for this.

I voted so now we have 2 votes :).

Anyway, I have contemplated rolling out my own from scratch (using NHibernate etc) but the fact is, you guys have a terrific base framework and I doubt it would be easy to reproduce.

I always were better at client scripting anyway :).
Hace 13 años
marcusjm wrote:
Is there something today (as you can see) that would be a show stopper if I decided to just use the framework and do my own MVC client?

Not sure that I got you. You can create your own nopCommerce MVC implementation if you want. Why not?

marcusjm wrote:
Any of your previous clients did the same?

What clients?
Hace 13 años
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:

Not sure that I got you. You can create your own nopCommerce MVC implementation if you want. Why not?

Yes why not, if you say it works then I trust you on that. It is basically all I need to know.

[quote]What clients?[/quote]
Refering to other NOP consultants/users that tried this route. Just wondering if I was the first to attempt this or not.

Thank you for replying
Hace 13 años
I think it would be a big job Marcus but more power to you if you want to try it.

Obviously if Nop was being written from scratch today they'd probably go with MVC. I've voted for MVC on codeplex but I'm under no illusion that changing to that framework would involve a lot of work and probably isn't a realistic option for the short term while there are still feature and performance issues to address.
Hace 13 años
I am currently working on an MVC version of nop, So far I haven't come across any issues at all.

One other thing I been doing as well is combining all of the payment, shipping, and tax method projects into a main project lib.

As compiling 50+ separate projects is just totally nuts every time I make a change... Never quite understood why each of those payment,shipping and tax methods were broken down into separate projects anyhow.

When I am done, and if nop hasn't done so already I will post the forked version up on codeplex for all to enjoy.
Hace 13 años
dswatik wrote:
I am currently working on an MVC version of nop, So far I haven't come across any issues at all.

It's not that there would be any major issues, just that it would be a considerable amount of work as it's a major change in architecture.
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