Low stock report based on on product attribute

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Hace 7 años
Product low stock reports deos not show low sotkc for products with inventory managed by product atrribute.

Replaced ProductService.cs method GetLowStockProductCombinations line 1185

Before fix :
c.StockQuantity <= 0&&

After fix :
c.StockQuantity < c.NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow &&
Hace 7 años

It's by design now.

This field (NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow) is used for email notifications when some quantity is below some certain value. And for low stock report we use "MinStockQuantity" property (not "NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow"). But it's used only for standard products (not available for combinations). That's why it's set to 0 now (for combinations)

For this task I've just created a new work item. Maybe, it's better to do the following:
1. Add "MinStockQuantity" property to combinations. It'll work the same way for simple products (used for low stock reports)
2. We can replace "int NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow" property (for both products and combinations with "bool EmailAdminWhenMinStockQuantity". It'll a checkbox indicating whether an email notification should be sent to a store owner if qty <= "MinStockQuantity"
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