Admin and Mega Menu Issues

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Hace 7 años
Hi All,

Hoping someone here may be able to help as I am at my wits end with this one.

I have a couple of NOP sites in version 3.5 that are working just fine on every computer except mine. When I try to view the Admin area, the menu at the top does not load and instead I get a listing of all the menu items, and no actual data (eg. The Dashboard or a list of customers etc doesnt load). Also, the products / catalogue menu item in the public store (part of the Mega Menu)does not display the drop down of categories when I mouse over it. This happens in all browsers on my computer (and beleive me I have tried them all!!)

I am using a Windows 7 Professional PC, all Windows updates applied, and all of this worked up until 4 days ago.

If I log into another PC at our workplace using my profile, it all works fine. I have also noted that if I log into a NOP site we have which is on Version 3.20, it is ok on my PC. It just seems to be somehting on my PC that stops the site from fully loading when its Version 3.50??

As far as i can tell, all other sites seem to be workign ok.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hace 7 años
Just an update on this one for if anyone is able to help. I have noticed when I do a page inspection on the code that in the HTML tag at the top of the page I am missing the K-Webkit class tags on my PC on the NOP Admin sites. This class tag is in there on other users PC's and the site works fine. Dont know if this is a symptom or a cause.

Hace 7 años
It's quite weird issue!

But have to checked your browse console?
you can find css/js files status in network tab.
Hace 7 años
I've got a client who has a PC running Windows 7 and we also had similar issues..but not just with admin area.
The IE 11 browser seems to be problematic at times. Look for something in your settings called Browser Compatibility Mode..and see if enabling that helps.
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