Extend Customer using CustomerExtension new table

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Hace 6 años
Is it possible to have another new table IE: "CustomerExtension" that will hold new properties for the Customer. (We want to avoid using the same table).

So we have extended the Customer class in Nop.Core:

public partial class Customer
        public string DiscountClass { get; set; }
        public string RepCode { get; set; }

We have then extended the existing CustomerMap by creating another partial.

public partial class CustomerMap : NopEntityTypeConfiguration<Customer>
        protected override void PostInitialize()
            this.Map(m =>
                m.Properties(p => new { p.Id, p.DiscountClass, p.RepCode});


But this seems not to properly work as we got an exception like so: "An item with the same key has already been added."

Are we doing something wrong in here? We should be able to extend a class in a different database table right ?

Both tables have the same primary key
Hace 6 años
I think below link will help you
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