Stores (1:1) Warehouses

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Hace 6 años
Hi there!

Im adding another store in same Nop Installation, but this new store should get products from a specific warehouse inventory only.

Is this option available? Set the 1:1 relationship between stores and warehouses?

I can set products to stores, but it will not help.

Is there any plugin or did you do any customization that you can share?

Hace 6 años
nopCommerce does not allow mapping warehouse to store. You can map product to one or multiple warehouses. You can achieve your requirement using 'Products limited to specific stores' and 'mapping product to specific warehouse' feature. If this approach is not suitable for you then you need to go for an customization.
Hace 6 años

We did it to "ManageStock" method, but now we have a new problem.

Nop doenst allow us to set multiple wareshouses on "ManageStockByAttributes" products.

Was it changed after nop 3.7 ?

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