Please Help - Shipping Methods

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Hace 13 años
ok here is the thing,

i'm trying to set shipping method: Shipping By Country & Order Weight
to Greece
so here is what i do:

from 0lb to 1lb - 13.76 USD (per lb)
from 1.1lb to 2lb - 9.82 USD (per lb) so for 2lb my price is 19.64 USD

and my product's weight is 1lb... so at the checkout i get shipping price for Greece is $3.76!!!

how should i set my prices?? i can't get it..

I would be really appreciate if you can help me..
Hace 13 años
Also in fixed shipping.. i set 24 USD... so at the checkout is shows 14 USD!!!

How come this happening? I guess same problem happened also when i tried weight&country method...????
Hace 13 años
Have a read at this post

and see if it helps.

- hayden
Hace 13 años
Thank you for the post,

I'm using v1.5 however it still calculates like this:

product weight 0.5lb
shipping price

0lb to 1lb - 40USD ------------ whatever i set price, it calculates always 40-10=30USD!!  i mean always 10 minus whatever the weight is!!
and if i set the shipping price under 10USD... it can't even calculate, just shows 0USD!

As a final, i couldn't really fix it:(
Hace 13 años
I also just deleted Country&Weight Module mistakely!!

How can i recover it??
Hace 13 años

unzip a fresh nopcommerce store from your download  - you should be able to copy is into your existing solution

did you edit the setting in admin   configuration-->all settings

when you set up shipping configuration, did you cover all weight ranges in both the different shipping option you spoke about ?

Have you created a discount voucher that is being applied to shipping?
Hace 13 años
Ok recovered it! phew..

i edited what you said on your previous post.. changed them into false.. however as i said.. it calculates somehow always 10USD less from the price i set... there's a calculation problem i guess..
Hace 13 años
If you didn't created a discount voucher that is being applied to shipping or miss some weight ranges,

did you edit the codebehind ?

I use this shipping method without any problems

- hayden
Hace 13 años
to be honest, i dont know how to create discount voucher or the rest...
do i have to do all that so i can use the method?
Hace 13 años
no, i just thought it might be what was causing the problem - i'm a bit stumped about what's cousing the issue for you - it's normally straight forward to set up

another thought, when you set up the weight configuration, did you tick the 'use percentage' checkbox by mistake?
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