Google microdata simple code snippet

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Hace 6 años
Microdata is a simple code snippet that describes your product on your website and helps Google to easily crawl and keep your data feed updated. you can use structured data markup to share your product data with Google Merchant Center.

I am using nopcommerce no-source 3.9, I have sample code from google but i dont know where to include it? please let me know.
Hace 6 años

The product page does actually have embedded microdata in it already, but just in HTML format. That's currently sufficient to "appease the Google gods", but Google now recommends JSON-LD formatted structured data, so it probably won't be too long before they require it.

Example of the currently embedded microdata in version 3.90:
<div class="prices" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="price" content="84.95" class="price-value-412">$84.95</span>
<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD"/>

You can go here to check one of your product page URLs:

For JSON-LD, you'll either need to develop a plugin or buy one that's already been created:
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