Size of the database

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Hace 6 años

we are migrating 2 sites running a version 3.2 from one server to another and will be upgrading Nopcommerce also after migration. While doing it I noticed that the site with less products and less content has a database of 6.2 GB while the other one has only 1.3 GB.

How can I see what takes so much memory in the database?

thank you
Hace 6 años
Do you save product images in database?
You can run the query below to check each table.

    table_name varchar(255),
    row_count int
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1='INSERT #counts (table_name, row_count) SELECT ''?'', COUNT(*) FROM ?'
SELECT table_name, row_count FROM #counts ORDER BY table_name, row_count DESC
DROP TABLE #counts
Hace 6 años
I did it and here is a result. It seems like queued emails take a lot of space, am I right? How can I delete them safely? Anything else I can delete that is not important?

thank you

[dbo].[AclRecord]  0
[dbo].[ActivityLog]  3188
[dbo].[ActivityLogType]  53
[dbo].[Address]  4807
[dbo].[Affiliate]  0
[dbo].[BackInStockSubscription]  0
[dbo].[BlogComment]  0
[dbo].[BlogPost]  3
[dbo].[Campaign]  1
[dbo].[Category]  5
[dbo].[CategoryTemplate]  1
[dbo].[CheckoutAttribute]  0
[dbo].[CheckoutAttributeValue]  0
[dbo].[Country]  236
[dbo].[CrossSellProduct]  0
[dbo].[Currency]  12
[dbo].[Customer]  3123
[dbo].[Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping]  3139
[dbo].[CustomerAddresses]  1452
[dbo].[CustomerRole]  10
[dbo].[DeliveryDate]  3
[dbo].[Discount]  119
[dbo].[Discount_AppliedToCategories]  3
[dbo].[Discount_AppliedToProducts]  3
[dbo].[DiscountRequirement]  9
[dbo].[DiscountUsageHistory]  223
[dbo].[Download]  0
[dbo].[EdmMetadata]  0
[dbo].[EmailAccount]  4
[dbo].[ExternalAuthenticationRecord]  0
[dbo].[FNS_IPFilter_Country]  6
[dbo].[FNS_IPFilter_IP]  0
[dbo].[FNS_IPFilter_IPNetwork]  0
[dbo].[Forums_Forum]  0
[dbo].[Forums_Group]  0
[dbo].[Forums_Post]  0
[dbo].[Forums_PrivateMessage]  0
[dbo].[Forums_Subscription]  0
[dbo].[Forums_Topic]  0
[dbo].[GenericAttribute]  23141
[dbo].[GiftCard]  0
[dbo].[GiftCardUsageHistory]  0
[dbo].[Language]  2
[dbo].[LocaleStringResource]  10418
[dbo].[LocalizedProperty]  11
[dbo].[Log]  1154814
[dbo].[Manufacturer]  27
[dbo].[ManufacturerTemplate]  1
[dbo].[MeasureDimension]  4
[dbo].[MeasureWeight]  4
[dbo].[MessageTemplate]  29
[dbo].[News]  25
[dbo].[NewsComment]  0
[dbo].[NewsLetterSubscription]  469
[dbo].[Order]  1616
[dbo].[OrderItem]  2281
[dbo].[OrderNote]  8509
[dbo].[PermissionRecord]  49
[dbo].[PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping]  80
[dbo].[Picture]  551
[dbo].[Poll]  0
[dbo].[PollAnswer]  0
[dbo].[PollVotingRecord]  0
[dbo].[Product]  122
[dbo].[Product_Category_Mapping]  57
[dbo].[Product_Manufacturer_Mapping]  63
[dbo].[Product_Picture_Mapping]  334
[dbo].[Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping]  42
[dbo].[Product_ProductTag_Mapping]  83
[dbo].[Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping]  0
[dbo].[ProductAttribute]  2
[dbo].[ProductReview]  9
[dbo].[ProductReviewHelpfulness]  7
[dbo].[ProductTag]  26
[dbo].[ProductTemplate]  2
[dbo].[ProductVariantAttributeCombination]  21
[dbo].[ProductVariantAttributeValue]  163
[dbo].[QueuedEmail]  379275
[dbo].[RecurringPayment]  0
[dbo].[RecurringPaymentHistory]  0
[dbo].[RelatedProduct]  28
[dbo].[ReturnRequest]  0
[dbo].[RewardPointsHistory]  46
[dbo].[ScheduleTask]  6
[dbo].[SearchTerm]  331
[dbo].[Setting]  642
[dbo].[Shipment]  814
[dbo].[ShipmentItem]  1204
[dbo].[ShippingByTotal]  144
[dbo].[ShippingByWeight]  20
[dbo].[ShippingMethod]  2
[dbo].[ShippingMethodRestrictions]  230
[dbo].[ShoppingCartItem]  114
[dbo].[SpecificationAttribute]  2
[dbo].[SpecificationAttributeOption]  6
[dbo].[SS_AS_AnywhereSlider]  2
[dbo].[SS_AS_Carousel3DSettings]  2
[dbo].[SS_AS_CarouselSettings]  2
[dbo].[SS_AS_NivoSettings]  2
[dbo].[SS_AS_SliderCategory]  1
[dbo].[SS_AS_SliderImage]  10
[dbo].[SS_AS_SliderManufacturer]  0
[dbo].[SS_AS_SliderWidget]  1
[dbo].[SS_CR_CustomerReminderMessageRecord]  0
[dbo].[SS_CR_Reminder]  0
[dbo].[SS_CR_ReminderExcludedCustomer]  0
[dbo].[SS_JC_JCarousel]  0
[dbo].[SS_JC_JCarouselCategory]  0
[dbo].[SS_JC_JCarouselManufacturer]  0
[dbo].[SS_JC_JCarouselProduct]  0
[dbo].[SS_JC_JCarouselWidget]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_CategoryPageRibbon]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_Condition]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_ConditionGroup]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_ConditionStatement]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_ProductOverride]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_ProductPageRibbon]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_ProductRibbon]  0
[dbo].[SS_PR_RibbonPicture]  88
[dbo].[SS_QT_Category_Tab_Mapping]  0
[dbo].[SS_QT_Manufacturer_Tab_Mapping]  0
[dbo].[SS_QT_Product_Tab_Mapping]  15
[dbo].[SS_QT_Tab]  5
[dbo].[SS_SS_SEOCategory]  0
[dbo].[SS_SS_SEOManufacturer]  0
[dbo].[SS_SS_SeoTemplate]  0
[dbo].[StateProvince]  210
[dbo].[Store]  1
[dbo].[StoreMapping]  0
[dbo].[TaxCategory]  6
[dbo].[TaxRate]  0
[dbo].[TierPrice]  0
[dbo].[Topic]  13
[dbo].[UrlRecord]  204
[dbo].[Vendor]  1
[dbo].[Warehouse]  0
Hace 6 años

QueuedEmail store emails and messages which sent customer or pending to sent.

It's store all emails which sent on registration, order place, invoice message and order note etc.

Make sure are you sure want to delete those records?

Instead of delete QueuedEmails, you can delete Log table's record and guest customer's record. There is lot's of logs. You can check and delete it.
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