Know what users search for?

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Hace 5 años
I want to know what people search for on my site. Can this be done in nopcommerce? How? How could it be done? Happy selling.
Hace 5 años

Do you see popular search keywords on admin dashboard?

This is your answer.

Thank you,
Hace 5 años
Spelunko wrote:
I want to know what people search for on my site. Can this be done in nopcommerce? How? How could it be done? Happy selling.

I think when you type on search box and hit the search button at that time nopcommerce insert record on popular search grid.

Without that hit you don't know which keyword is searched by visitor or customer.

I think you have to customize in search autocomplete method.

Hope you will understand.
Hace 5 años
It sounds like you are talking about - Popular search keywords

When you login to administration area, on the dashboard you will see a section - Popular search keywords

It will give you information of:

- Popular searched keywords (from your site search bar)
- Count for each popular keyword
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