Nivo Silider video play

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Hace 5 años
I want to use the video playback code that I use on the other site. How to change the Nivo Slider witgets.

<section class="home-section home-full-height bg-dark-30" id="home" data-background="img/section-5.jpg">
        <div class="video-player" data-property="{videoURL:'', containment:'.home-section', startAt:0, mute:true, autoPlay:true, loop:true, opacity:1, showControls:false, showYTLogo:false, vol:25}"></div>
        <div class="video-controls-box">
          <div class="container">
            <div class="video-controls"><a class="fa fa-volume-up" id="video-volume" href="#">&nbsp;</a><a class="fa fa-pause" id="video-play" href="#">&nbsp;</a></div>
Hace 5 años

You need to check these two views under "\Plugins\Widgets.NivoSlider\Views" in your nopCommerce website directory.

# PublicInfo.cshtml
# _PublicInfo.SliderLine.cshtml

Hope this would help.

Thank you,
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