Add to Cart Button Error

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Hace 13 años
So I have my store all set up. Products in place and stock quanities set with proper pricing, however, when you try and click add to cart, nothing happens. Any ideas why everyonce in a while it will add something to the shopping cart but the other 90% of the time when you click add to cart nothing happens it just refreshes the product page?
Hace 13 años
I want to point out that I checked the server logs, no errors and no errors on the browser for the client as well. So i'm kind of at a loss why the product dosent add to the shopping cart.
Hace 13 años
Hi prometheussoft,

Can you post some of your code so that we can see what is happening? I'm hoping that I can see the problem and can help you out.

Hace 13 años
I'm sorry but I dont know specificaly what you want to see. The site is and I havent modified the code in anyway, just the style sheets. What do you need me to post up?
Hace 13 años
I looked at your site. The add to cart button does not work on your category pages either. Since you did not make any changes to the code, I am at a loss as to why this problem is happening. I wish I could help more.
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