Brands instead of Manufacturers

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Hace 13 años

In the following example of a Live site this web designer has made use of 'Collections' instead of Categories (used in the template and the url etc).  I would like to use the term 'Brands' instead of manufacturers, can anyone advise what is needed to make this change please?

I am using v1.70. I have purchased the user manual, but cannot find any reference to this configuration.  Also when I look into the code, Manufacturer seems to be an intergral part of the system, included in filenames...etc .  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps - I am absolutely blown away by nopCommerce! I'm a C# novice, but would love to get involved. Thanks for making such a great open source product!
Hace 13 años
Hello! I am new to this software as well, but I think I may have your solution.

Go into the backend and go to Content Management --> Localization and then select your language. Ctrl + F and search for "Manufacturer.Manufacturers". Hit "Edit" and edit the resource value as you see fit. Hope this helps!
Hace 13 años
Perfect, that's just what I was looking for Thanks AirplaneBits!

Ive also changed the url to say .../brand/... instead of .../manufacturer/...

I did this by changing the Manufacturer url rewrite format: to {0}Brand/{1}-{2}.aspx
(can be found in 'Global Settings' -> 'SEO/Display')

Then I changed the UrlRewriting.config file:

Changed line From:
<add name="ManufacturerDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/manufacturer/([0-9]*)-([\w-]*)\.aspx(?:\?(.*))?"

<add name="ManufacturerDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/brand/([0-9]*)-([\w-]*)\.aspx(?:\?(.*))?"

Works great! Thanks again!
Hace 13 años
You could also run an SQL update command to change all instances of the word in one go - assuming you have access to  SQL server management studio. I did the same to change Catagories to Brands and Cart to Basket etc etc.
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