An error occurred while starting the application. .NET Core 4.6.27129.04 X64 v4.0.0.0

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Hace 4 años
Hi, for solve this problem you must check connection string in datasetting in App-data folder .
connection string json data source for localserver must be this format :
Data Source=.\\youaddrees

after that you must change shope address : or
Hace 4 años
Thanks you,
I will give a try.
Hace 4 años
Im having same issue on 4.10

Did that fix resolve your problem ?
Hace 3 años
hi, looks very funny, my site on version 4.20 since last year, suddenly stopped working, when checked stdout, part of the message showing:
info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure[10403]
      Entity Framework Core 2.2.4-servicing-10062 initialized 'NopObjectContext' using provider 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer' with options: MaxPoolSize=128 using lazy-loading proxies
info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
      Executed DbCommand (50ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [t].[Id], [t].[Enabled], [t].[LastEndUtc], [t].[LastStartUtc], [t].[LastSuccessUtc], [t].[Name], [t].[Seconds], [t].[StopOnError], [t].[Type]
      FROM [ScheduleTask] AS [t]
      WHERE [t].[Enabled] = 1
      ORDER BY [t].[Seconds] DESC
info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
      Executed DbCommand (10ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[CompanyAddress], [s].[CompanyName], [s].[CompanyPhoneNumber], [s].[CompanyVat], [s].[DefaultLanguageId], [s].[DisplayOrder], [s].[Hosts], [s].[Name], [s].[SslEnabled], [s].[Url]
      FROM [Store] AS [s]
      ORDER BY [s].[DisplayOrder], [s].[Id]
info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20101]
      Executed DbCommand (10ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT [s].[Id], [s].[Name], [s].[StoreId], [s].[Value]
      FROM [Setting] AS [s]
      ORDER BY [s].[Name], [s].[StoreId]
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.default.LogicalHandler[100]

really cannot figure it out. Please anybody help?
Hace 3 años
have same error when install plugin, can't find solution
Hace 3 años
An error occurred while starting the application.
.NET Core 4.6.27129.04 X64 v4.0.0.0    |   Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.1.1-rtm-30846    |    Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393    |   Need help?
Hace 3 años
An error occurred while starting the application.
.NET Core 4.6.27129.04 X64 v4.0.0.0    |   Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.1.1-rtm-30846    |    Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393    |   Need help?
Hace 3 años
Any solution to this?  Recieved this today on two different NOPCommerce sites.

An error occurred while starting the application.

.NET Core 4.6.27317.07 X64 v4.0.0.0    |   Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.1.1-rtm-30846    |    Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393
Hace 3 años
Shrink the database size might be a solution.
Hace 3 años
Shrinking the database didn't work.
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