Rounded Corners in the darkOrange Theme

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Hace 13 años
I've been admiring the rounded corners in the darkOrange theme.I set out to change some of the background colours in CSS and the rounded corners disappear! I checked the images and there are no rounded corners, and I don't know where else to look. Where is this done and how to I adapt it?
Hace 13 años
Well I've figured it must be in the style sheet somewhere, 5000 lines to go... , any hints appreciated
Hace 13 años
I believe the rounded corners are images... check the themes paths for bg_sidebar_title.gif and bg_sidebar_block.gif
Hace 13 años
Thank you, I just need my eyes checked. Very hard to see grey pixels against a slightly darker grey! Arrgghh!
Hace 13 años
Hace 13 años
Hace 13 años
I am new to ASP.NET framework. My boss has assigned me this darkOrange template and asked me to modify the following: 1) enlarge the table horizonally to fix 1024 X 768 screen size. 2) change web content color coordination. Where do I begin. I have been explore for the past week and notice the changes I've made in CSS file would not effect the changes I have made. Can someone give me some lead?
Hace 13 años
tombanh wrote:
I am new to ASP.NET framework. My boss has assigned me this darkOrange template and asked me to modify the following: 1) enlarge the table horizonally to fix 1024 X 768 screen size. 2) change web content color coordination. Where do I begin. I have been explore for the past week and notice the changes I've made in CSS file would not effect the changes I have made. Can someone give me some lead?

Hi There,

Pardon me while I cover the basics, the themes are in the folder /App_Themes, with one theme in each folder. You change themes by going into administration for the site and go to Configuration > Global Settings - SEO/Display - Store Themes.

Create a new theme by copying and renaming the existing theme, then go it Admin and assign the theme.

The best way to suss out the themes is to either look at the source in the browser, to see which classes are involved and I've been trying out the Firefox plug-in Aardvark, which is handy for figuring out classes.

If you've changed the CSS and nothing has happened after a refresh there are a number of possibilities, you could be editing the wrong file or you could have changed the wrong class.

'Enlarging the table' may involve more than just CSS, but one step at a time.

Welcome to the world of nopCommerce, I'm sure you'll find the forums useful.
Hace 13 años
Thanks so much Mikeal7. I find your response was inspiring.

The changes I've made behaving a bit funny.

eg: I tested removing the logo.gif from "App_Themes\darkOrange\images" directory and obviously, the logo disappeared from the site, but when I tried to replace the logo either from the master.css file or directory, whether using the same or different gif name, it'd have no effect. I wonder why?
Hace 13 años
I have had the issue with the logo not changing, appears to be a caching issue, a little patience and a refresh seemed to help. I tried 'clear cache' in admin as well. What version of nopCommerce are you using, I don't have a master.css (as far as I know)?

I'd also like to refer you to my posting on logo size and headers at

Good to see you're making progress.
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