Dashboard and the Rest Behind NopCommerce Admin Panel

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Hace 13 años

Does anyone know how to change the text color in the Dashboard and the Rest Behind NopCommerce Admin Panel?

I customized the darkOrange template of my site to a lighter background and that causes the text in the Admin Panel not legible.

Many thanks!
Hace 13 años
There is a separate theme for the admin portal. Have a look in the App_Themes directory for the admin theme.

Hace 13 años

thanks for your quick response. I looked in the App_Themes directory and found these folders: administration; darkOrange; Install; nopClassic; and Print folders. Nothing else! Within these directories, all I see is the darkOrange theme.

Hace 13 años
Yes, its the "administration" theme....
Hace 13 años
Thank you so much for the tips.

Take care!
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