Change "Reward Points" to another name.

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Hace 13 años
Does anyone know where I would go about looking to change all instances of Reward Points to something like Store Credit? I like how the reward point system works, but I'd rather have it called something else for my particular site.
Hace 13 años
Yep, they come from Nop_LocaleStringResource.

Here are all the instances of the word 'reward' in nop_LocaleStringResource I got by running a query:
"SELECT     ResourceName, ResourceValue
FROM         Nop_LocaleStringResource
WHERE     (ResourceValue LIKE '%reward%')"

CRITICAL NOTE:  Update all instances of "Reward Points" to "Store Credits" in the ResourceValue (ie the displayed value) field only, NOT the ResourceName, which is the value NopC looks for to find the value to display!

Admin.PromotionsHome.Discounts.Description2  Discounts can also be restricted to a specific customer role, allowing you to reward your higher value customers.
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.Title  Reward Points
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.Enabled.Tooltip  Check if you want to enable the Reward Points Program.
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.Rate.Tooltip  Specify reward points exchange rate.
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.Rate.Tooltip2  1 reward point =
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.EarningRewardPoints  Earning Reward Points:
Checkout.UseRewardPoints  Use my reward points, {0} reward points ({1}) available
ShoppingCart.Totals.RewardPoints  {0} reward points
Admin.CustomerDetails.RewardPoints  Reward Points
Admin.CustomerRewardPoints.Disabled  The Reward Points Program is disabled
Admin.CustomerRewardPoints.AddButton.Text  Add reward points
Order.Totals.RewardPoints  {0} reward points
Admin.OrderDetails.RewardPoints  {0} reward points:
Admin.OrderDetails.RewardPoints.Tooltip  Redeemed reward points.
Customer.RewardPoints.Overview  Reward Points
Customer.RewardPoints.CurrentBalance  Your current balance is {0} reward points ({1}).
Customer.RewardPoints.CurrentRate  Each {0} spent will earn {1} reward points.
Account.RewardPoints  Reward Points
PDFInvoice.RewardPoints  {0} reward points:
Admin.GlobalSettings.RewardPoints.EarningRewardPoints.Tooltip3  reward points.

You can update these in the admin panel or directly in SQL by running the above query in Enterprise Mgr.   Hope this helps


Shawn Team
Hace 13 años
sweet, thank you very much
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