Popular tags' section on the home page's rigt column does not show all of product tags in table Nop

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Hace 13 años
Popular tags' section on the home page's rigt column does not show all of product tags in table Nop_ProductTag in Nopcommerce 1.8

In the tabel, there are 16 tags, however on the home page, the system just shows 15, it miss gift tag. I do not know if it is a bug or not. Does system setup to only show 15 tags on the screen? If this is the case, how to change it?
Hace 13 años
Yes 15 is the limit.

See PopularTags.ascx.cs BindData()

protected void BindData()
            //get all tags
            int maxItems = 15;
            var productTags = ProductManager.GetAllProductTags(0, string.Empty);
            List<ProductTag> cloudItems = new List<ProductTag>();
            for (int i = 0; i < productTags.Count; i++)
                ProductTag productTag = productTags[i];
                if (i < maxItems)

I'm not sure what would happen if you increased that number.  My guess is that the Font Weights/Sizes may be the reason for the limit.  You could always try to change it to 16 and see what happens.
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