Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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Hace 13 años
That's great, looking forward to the new version!
Hace 13 años

I've just been through the code of 2.0. Wow! It will be a delight working with it. The code is so much simpler now.
Can't wait for the final version.
Hace 13 años
joebloe wrote:

I have been peppering this forum with "go to codeplex" comments and I won't stop now.

There is some really cool stuff going on with the new 2.0 version.  Whether you are a front end or back end developer or just a hobbyist, spend a little time going over the code base.  It's not as scary as it first looks.

NOTE: A good deal of the nop functionality you are used to in previous versions is working in 2.0.  Download the project and give it a whirl.

I just wanted to mention that checking out and running the solution requires no setup since the db is created automatically from EF. So checkout the solution and run it. Everything will work and you can checkout whats done so far! I seriously think the 2.0 version will go toe-to-toe with the (paid) big dogs out there.
Hace 13 años

The code in 2.0 is very nice. I want to make nop 2.0 to run on NHibernate and if you will make the public properties and public methods in BaseEntity classes and Service classes, virtual it will be very easy to make that jump.
I will start a project on codeplex to share the code.

Hace 13 años
paliktar wrote:

The code in 2.0 is very nice. I want to make nop 2.0 to run on NHibernate and if you will make the public properties and public methods in BaseEntity classes and Service classes, virtual it will be very easy to make that jump.
I will start a project on codeplex to share the code.


If you create a fork and commit the changes, I can review and commit.
Hace 13 años
paliktar wrote:

The code in 2.0 is very nice. I want to make nop 2.0 to run on NHibernate and if you will make the public properties and public methods in BaseEntity classes and Service classes, virtual it will be very easy to make that jump.
I will start a project on codeplex to share the code.


I'll second that! We need those methods and properties virtual. It would allow us to override original code without having to copy entire classes.
Please do that!
Hace 13 años
theonlylawislove wrote:

The code in 2.0 is very nice. I want to make nop 2.0 to run on NHibernate and if you will make the public properties and public methods in BaseEntity classes and Service classes, virtual it will be very easy to make that jump.
I will start a project on codeplex to share the code.


If you create a fork and commit the changes, I can review and commit.

I have put a fork in codeplex with this changes.

Hace 13 años
paliktar wrote:

I have put a fork in codeplex with this changes.


Hey Paliktar,

Are you interested in sharing the nHibernate code? I am assuming you have this running with another DB rather than SQL Server?
Hace 13 años
thought wrote:

Hey Paliktar,

Are you interested in sharing the nHibernate code? I am assuming you have this running with another DB rather than SQL Server?

I use nHibernate because of the Cache level 2, a feature that Entity framework  code first is missing.
The DB I use is Sql Server but the code is the same for all DB’s beside the connection string.
When I’ll finish the developments I will put the code on codeplex.

Hace 13 años
paliktar wrote:

Hey Paliktar,

Are you interested in sharing the nHibernate code? I am assuming you have this running with another DB rather than SQL Server?

I use nHibernate because of the Cache level 2, a feature that Entity framework  code first is missing.
The DB I use is Sql Server but the code is the same for all DB’s beside the connection string.
When I’ll finish the developments I will put the code on codeplex.


If you could, that would be great.
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