Authorize.Net not working?

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Hace 15 años

I just installed NopCommerce and tried to make it work with Authorize.Net. I keep getting this error when I try to check out.

3|2|13|(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.|000000|P|0|||71.00||auth_capture||||||||||||||||||||||||||F0E052658949D66E32D29132A3327744||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

I know that Authorize.Net is not in test mode, but yet it keeps showing that it is in test mode. Is there a test mode enable for the cart? I don't see it anywhere.
Hace 15 años
You should get an Authorize.NET account (
Hace 15 años
nevermind, i found the problem. I had the sandbox option still checked. once I unchecked it, it works. Thanks.
Hace 13 años

I just installed my website,,but i cant get it the payments,,when i want to use the authorize openning an authprize account and getting the Transaction key and login Id enough?
i dont know the order of the process?
Please help me out?

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