Display a different color for In Stock/Out of Stock products

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Hace 4 años

I was wondering if anyone had information regarding displaying stock status for products?

What I was thinking is to be able to have the following settings for all product when a product is:

In Stock - It appears with green letters

Out of Stock - It appears with red letters

Has anyone done something similar or has a solution (custom styles, plugins etc.) ?

Any help would be well appreciated!

Best regards,
Hace 4 años
NopCommerce already display Stock and out if stock lable in product detail page.

So you need to just add css for display lable in Green or Red,
Hace 4 años
OTH wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had information regarding displaying stock status for products?

What I was thinking is to be able to have the following settings for all product when a product is:

In Stock - It appears with green letters

Out of Stock - It appears with red letters

Has anyone done something similar or has a solution (custom styles, plugins etc.) ?

Any help would be well appreciated!

Best regards,

Hello OTH,

there are many options for the Availability of the products, but if you want to just check if a product is Out of stock and have different styling for the label you can use the following approach.

In the _Availability.cshtml file in your Product folder add the bolded lines of code:

@model ProductDetailsModel

@using Nop.Services.Localization

@inject ILocalizationService localizationService

@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability) || Model.DisplayBackInStockSubscription)
    <div class="availability">
        @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability))

            bool outOfStock = string.Equals(localizationService.GetResource("products.availability.outofstock"), Model.StockAvailability, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
            string stockClass = "is-in-stock";

            if (outOfStock)
                stockClass = "is-out-of-stock";

            <div class="stocking @stockClass">
                <span class="label">@T("Products.Availability"):</span>
                <span class="value" id="stock-availability-value[email protected]">@Model.StockAvailability</span>
        @await Html.PartialAsync("_BackInStockSubscription", Model)

This will add a class of is-in-stock anytime the product is not Out of stock, and a class of is-out-of-stock if the stock quantity is 0.
You can then you these classes to add some custom styling to Availability element like red color if is-out-of-stock and green if is-in-stock.

Hope this was helpful.

Best Regards,
Hace 2 años

@model ProductDetailsModel

@using Nop.Services.Localization

@inject ILocalizationService localizationService

@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability) || Model.DisplayBackInStockSubscription)
    <div class="availability">
        @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability))

            bool outOfStock = string.Equals(localizationService.GetResource("products.availability.outofstock"), Model.StockAvailability, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
            string stockClass = "is-in-stock";

            if (outOfStock)
                stockClass = "is-out-of-stock";

            <div class="stocking @stockClass">
                <span class="label">@T("Products.Availability"):</span>
                <span class="value" id="stock-availability-value[email protected]">@Model.StockAvailability</span>
        @await Html.PartialAsync("_BackInStockSubscription", Model)

I have tried this with version 3.90 and it doesn not work! It breaks the site!

My code is here:

@model ProductDetailsModel
@using Nop.Web.Models.Catalog;
@using Nop.Services.Localization
@inject ILocalizationService localizationService
@if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability) || Model.DisplayBackInStockSubscription)
    <div class="availability">
        @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.StockAvailability))
      bool outOfStock = string.Equals(localizationService.GetResource("products.availability.outofstock"), Model.StockAvailability, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
            string stockClass = "is-in-stock";

            if (outOfStock)
                stockClass = "is-out-of-stock";
            <div class="stock" @stockClass">
                <span class="label">@T("Products.Availability"):</span>
                <span class="value" id="stock-availability-value[email protected]">@Model.StockAvailability</span>
        @Html.Partial("_BackInStockSubscription", Model)
Hace 2 años
Hi Nop Templates,

The code works perfectly thank you (i'm running 4.30)

One question, which I'm hoping you can help with: When using product attributes the class does not change, when the product page loads the availability is set to Please select required attribute(s) which sets the class to Is-In-Stock, clicking on a product attribute that is Out of Stock does not change the class to Is-Out-Of-Stock, do you know how to change the code so the class changes on attribute click (I'm using Radio Button Lists)

Thank you
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