There is a small bug in the PDFHelper.cs class.  From a US perspective, at least, packing slips need a state (order.ShippingStateProvince) and the second address (order.ShippingAddress2).

The lines of PDFHelper.cs in question are 554 and 555 of NOP 1.8.

You might be able to argue that the state is not required, as that information is contained in the zip.  Adding it makes the address more human readable, tho.

The second shipping address is needed.  In the US, that is typically used for apartment numbers or some other detail that the delivery company will NEED to get the package to the correct location.  Furthermore, because the field is often empty, it isn't obvious that the information is missing.

My fix is below, but it is not semantically correct or elegent - my customer just needed a fix.

section.AddParagraph(order.ShippingAddress1 + " " + order.ShippingAddress2);

section.AddParagraph(String.Format("{0}, {1}", order.ShippingCity,  order.ShippingStateProvince + "  "+ order.ShippingZipPostalCode));

Thanks for a great product,