New Translation

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Hace 15 años
Hello, i have finished translating the system to Hebrew (Database Table),
And completed transition to RTL format.

I would like to thank the developers for the first CMS i've seen that supports localization so fluently.

What i have left is translating the Administartion panel, which unfortunately doesn't support localization.
Currently i am having trouble with the menu layout, whose inner-child opens to the right, while i would like it to open to the left. setting direction:rtl; at the asp:Menu level, would cause the sub-child to open ON the parent node therefore hiding it.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks again for the system!
Hace 15 años
I would also like to add the local currency as an avalible currency.
any explanations on how to do that would be very appreciated
Hace 14 años

For RTL menu layout in administration panel you can change the following setting in menu.css file :

first of all insert the following property under ".AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li"
float:right [color=red]!important[/color];

this change will solve your problem . but for better appearance you must go further:

under ".AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li a img" (line 16) change
adding-right: 7px; --> padding-left: 7px;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul (line 126) change:
left: 0; --> right: 0;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul li (line 168) change:
text-align: left; -->text-align: right;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu ul ul li (line 176) change:
text-align: left; --> text-align: right;

under .AdminMenu .AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul.AspNet-Menu li ul li ul (line 188) change:
margin: -31px 0 0 170px; -->margin: -31px 170px 0 0px;


under   .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover li:hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li:hover li:hover ul span, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul a, .AdminMenu ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-Hover li.AspNet-Menu-Hover ul span (line 76) change: (((WOW ... that's too big ;) )))

text-align: left; -->text-align: right;

that's it .i hope this will help.

note: line's number are before the first change and related to ver. 1.11 of the menu.css.
P.S.: and I would like to thank the developers too.
Hace 14 años
Hi Phi,

Do you managed with RTL in front-end ?
I'm looking for RTL solution in 1.20 but i'm not familiar with CSS :(

Hace 14 años
Ranmonster wrote:
Hi Phi,

Do you managed with RTL in front-end ?
I'm looking for RTL solution in 1.20 but i'm not familiar with CSS :(


Hi Ranmonster,

i just horizontally flipped the "darkOrange" template.
if you are interested, you can download it here.

(i am not completely test it. i just do a quick review with FF 3.0.11/IE 7/Opera 9.62)
Hace 14 años
Thanks Phi.
I reviewed the files you sent me and now I have ideas how to make nopClassic RTL. There many changes !!! :))
BTW: do you plan to use both of the layouts RTL and LTR on your site ?
If yes, it requires to implement "per user" theme option, do you started to do something like this ?
Hace 14 años
Hi ...

For use both RTL and LTR layout i get the idea from this topic] (thanks to]qais.
with a little change as follow:

1.Goto Administration Area -> Content management -> Localization -> choose your RTL Language and add a new Resource name Other.PageDirection and set the value to RTL

2.copy your RTL theme in app_Themes

3.define a new setting for RTL theme in Administration -> Configuration -> All Setting : Add New .

setting name : Display.PublicStoreThemeRTL
setting Value: darkOrangeRTL (or whatever you named it)

4.then in the BaseNopPage class (controls/BaseNopPage.cs), change OnPreInit event :

        protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
            //string publicStoreTheme =  SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreTheme");
            /* Add by phi-------*/
            string publicStoreTheme;
            Language language = NopContext.Current.WorkingLanguage;
            if (LocalizationManager.GetLocaleResourceString("Other.PageDirection", language.LanguageID) == "RTL")
                publicStoreTheme = SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreThemeRTL");
               publicStoreTheme= SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Display.PublicStoreTheme");
            /*-------- Add by phi*/
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicStoreTheme))
                this.Theme = publicStoreTheme;

note : in this method i assume that your default page direction is LTR(i mean , you set a LTR theme in Administration -> configuration -> Global Setting - seo/display : Store theme)
Hace 14 años
Hi Yat!

Could you please publish your hebrew language pack?
I have been looking for a hebrew supported eCommerce solution for quite a while...

Hace 14 años
i am using NopCommerce 1.2 and i need to use  language with rtl direction , can any body advice, coz i am facing a lot of problems related to thi issue,
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