NP1.90 - Missing

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Hace 13 años
Hi there,

I am new here :)

I just installed 1.90.  I am getting a Parser Error?  I was looking for 'categories.ascx' file and can not find it.

Can anyone help?

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The file '/administration/Modules/Categories.ascx' does not exist.

Source Error:

Line 3:      CodeBehind="Categories.aspx.cs" %>
Line 4:  
Line 5:  <%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="Categories" Src="Modules/Categories.ascx" %>
Line 6:  <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cph1" runat="server">
Line 7:      <nopCommerce:Categories runat="server" ID="ctrlCategories" />


Hace 13 años
You probably don't have all the files there, you may want to reupload the files. The file should be in the modules folder under the administration folder... just like this says:


if it isn't, you don't have all of your files.
Hace 13 años
Hi There,

Thanks for the quick reply.  I looked in the /administration/modules/categories.ascx file but it is not there.

Is it a code that is missing?
Hace 13 años
it is a file that is missing...
Hace 13 años
I just looked through my downloaded copy of 1.90 and i do not see the file.  Strange?  Any suggestions where it would be?  I did a search too and it did not come up.
Hace 13 años
I deleted and reinstalled the folder and it works now.

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