2.0 techniques list

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Hace 13 años
Firstly, i very appreciate you guys make a decision to use MVC and Razor. We will benefit many sides in the future, such as the framework will be more flexiable and pluggable, TDD will make the project stablable, and better for team work.

We know there are big change in the coming 2.0 version. And could you kindly introduce which new techniques will used in the 2.0 version. Such MVC, Razor, EF? and so on. That will help us do more preparation for new 2.0 version.

Hace 13 años
Do you mean that we have to re-develop our modules for the 1.9 --> 2.0 migration ? (as it was the case for the 1.8 --> 1.9 migration)
Hace 13 años
I saw the move to MVC-Razor move, MVC doesn't necessarily imply TDD... although the latest I've seen is that "everything is on the table" so there may be more moves toward test friendliness as well.  For instance, using the IoC for DI instead of as a Service Locator.
Hace 13 años
You can check out commits in Codeplex to find out. Currently they use ASP.NET MVC 3, Razor, EF Code-First and StructureMap. And there is SQL CE 4 as optional database.

Unit testing use NUnit and RhinoMocks.

UPDATE: They've just removed StructureMap and use Autofac instead.
Hace 13 años
webfpc wrote:
Firstly, i very appreciate you guys make a decision to use MVC and Razor. We will benefit many sides in the future, such as the framework will be more flexiable and pluggable, TDD will make the project stablable, and better for team work.

We know there are big change in the coming 2.0 version. And could you kindly introduce which new techniques will used in the 2.0 version. Such MVC, Razor, EF? and so on. That will help us do more preparation for new 2.0 version.


Hello Peter,

You can take a look at the changesets here: http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets

Here is the list of features that nopTeam is working on for upcoming versions: http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/workitem/list/advanced?ProjectName=nopcommerce

(Just filter the search results for 2.0 and 2.1 version)
Hace 13 años
@digb: Thanks for that summary.  Great news about the choice of IoC container... well, for me.  After some research for one of my own projects I'm going with Autofac as well.
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