Multiple Box Shipping

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Hace 13 años
Hi There,

We are shipping 'kits' where they would be shipped in two seperate boxes.  How can I configure this?

If I put the total weight, I will get an error that it is too heavy to ship (obviously!) but in two seperate boxes, it will be below the max weight to ship.

Please help?  Anyone else ship multiple boxes?
Hace 13 años
I am using AuctionInc's shipping calculator engine as a custom integration to NopCommerce. It is $25/month and well worth it. It handles all the multiple box calculations. You can get more details about their API and what is does here:

The integration I wrote doesn't deal with everything yet but it is functional. I can provide details if anyone wants the code.

AuctionInc Shipping API Features:

One API supports ALL carriers
Comparative shipping across multiple carriers in one API call
Through our "XS" API version, supports multiple sellers
Domestic Shipping Rates from FedEx, UPS and USPS
International shipping rates from  DHL, FedEx, UPS and USPS
Calculate shipping of multiple items/packages in a single API call
Packaging algorithm handles splitting items into multiple packages automatically
Supports items consisting of multiple units (i.e. set of 4 wheels)
Able to factor in weight of packaging materials
Dimensional weight supported
Insurance automatically calculated base on order value
Support for 3rd party insurance (i.e. U-Pic, PIP)
Promotional Tiered Shipping Discounts based on order value
Unlimited drop-ship locations
Flexible Handling Fees at the order, package, carrier service levels
Support for USPS Pre-paid fixed rate shipping boxes
SDK Toolkit available for PHP
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