Worldpay - no configuration options in 1.90?

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Hace 13 años
Hi all, I'm trying to have a play around with worldpay as a payment option, but when I hit the configuration screen, I get the text, but no text boxes for inputting configuration settings?

I hopped on to and it seems to be the same?

Any ideas guys?

Many Thanks
Hace 13 años
Hiya works on mine - I just download the lastest nC1.9
Use Sandbox:    
Worldpay Instance ID:
Payment Method:
Additional fee [AUD]:      
Are you sure?

Coming from Admininstration\Payment\Worldpay\ConfigurePaymentMethod.ascx

Hace 13 años
Hi, thanks for the reply. :)

This screenshot is what I'm getting:

It's the same in the, as I say you see the text for Worldpay Instance ID etc., but there is no text box to enter you actual configuration details.

Any ideas?

Many Thanks
Hace 13 años
I need to learn to scroll apparantly. The Text wasn't wrapping around on one of the lines and pushed the adminData fields to the far, far right of the page.

Thanks anyway! :)
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