Change Click Buttons to use an Image

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Hace 13 años
Hello Everyone
I am working on some modifications for one of my sites that use the cart. I would like to replace the orange and dark grey buttons that are shown for the products(Details, and Purchase) to use an image instead of a html button.

How or where would I do this? I have found the listing for the buttons in the css file, but seems that I can only modify the background, color, or size and shape, but not replacing the button itself.

Thanks in advance
Hace 13 años
you can remove one particular class and use spefic image background.


background:url(images/addbutton.png) no-repeat;

background:url(images/removebutton.png) no-repeat;
Hace 13 años
I know how to change the background of the button, I was wanting to replace the entire button and use a graphic in its place. ASP.NET can do that. I just need to figure out where the button code is actually located. I have learned more since I began working with this code.

Thanks for your input. Just not quite what I was looking for.

Hace 13 años
Then you should find the module, usually some .ascx file (user control)

Select the Button Control and change it into image control again you have to go to the code behind to change the code for button click event,

too much of job. Image Button is just to replace plain old button, rather we will use image as background in the regular button in one line of css.
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