nopcommerce not reading the cs files

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Hace 13 años
I have downloaded de nopcommerce 1.9 (no source) and opened in Visual Web Developer 2010.

I can start nopcommerce but when i set a breakpoint in some page, and try to debug ie. default.aspx.cs it does not stop.

Even if i write some characters ie. asldñfajkflñajf   it compiles OK. So i think it is not reading or validating de cs files.

What can i do? i need to modify some cs files in order to set up the application.
Hace 13 años
Do you have the source code version
Compiled for Debug ?
Hace 13 años
Hi, i have the "no source" version. I only need to change the cs of the aspx files. For example change the code of "MenuControl.ascx.cs" in admin for administrators of products only see the Product Catalog. I changed the code and saw that it didnt work, so i pressed F5 in VWD2010 to debug, it asked to enable it on Web.config, I selected "yes" and it didnt stopped on the breakpoint. So i tried with the default.aspx.cs in the home. If i write "asdlkfñajdlfñajklf" it compiles OK. The thing is that it doesnt validate the cs files of the aspx.
What am i doing wrong?
Hace 13 años
you need to select

build nopcommercestore

from the ' build ' menu to compile the code
Hace 13 años
To simplify: i open the project in visual web developer 2010, i open the default.aspx.cs and i write "adflñkajkdflañdjf" in the page_load, save and go to "Debug" -> "Build web site". It validates and compiles OK. What am i doing wrong? it skips the cs files?
Hace 13 años
I think some clarification is needed here. The no source version of the nop commerce is a published package (ie. pre complied package). Thus even though the code behind (.cs file) is available, any changes made to it will not get compiled when the page gets executed.

If you want to debug /make changes to the web store, then you will need to use the source version. Once you have made your changes, you'll then need publish / build the web store project using Visual Studio which will create a pre compiled website package / dll for you.
Hace 13 años
OK, the solution is here:

as you say i need the "source version" and compile the entire version with Visual Studio.

But, wouldnt be better (and easier for a novate as me) if the "no source version" could come as a web site and not a web application project. In that way we could change the cs files. Most people need to change the cs files for design purposes and do not want to compile and manage all the bussiness logic.

That way people could use VWD or Web Matrix and no need the complete Visual Studio
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