Message Tokens

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Hace 13 años

I am having trouble configuring my message templates.

First of all I wanted to amend my welcome message email template. Which is the Customer.WelcomeMessage template. Of course this emails the customer once they have signed up to my site.

I want it to read as follows:


Dear %Customer.FullName%

Thank you for registering your details with  %Store.Name%. Please sign in at any time to view or amend your account details.

Kind Regards,


Short and simple. However upon testing, the %Customer.FullName% doesn't show in the email. I am already in a live environment, not local. The %Store.Name% works ok.

Am I doing something wrong?

Using 1.90.

Hace 13 años

I am having the same problem.
The message token I put in, either by copy and paste or by typing it in, doesn't always work.

%Order.CustomerFullName% doesn't put in the customers name but puts in the complete message token in the welcome message.

Other tokens seem to work ok on other messages so I wonder if the issue is that when a customer registers, they haven't yet placed an order so there is no Order.CustomerFullName for the token to refer to.

I am now trying %Customer.FullName% instead in the welcome message to see if that works.

Now I just need to wait for a new customer to register.......HoHum.
will let you know how I get on.
All the best
Hace 13 años
Ah, another customer!
In fact the problem appears to be that, with 'usernames' enabled (Configuration>Global Settings>Other) the only thing I can get to work in the welcome message is %Customer.Username%. This prints the value rather than the token string.

What will happen if I disable usernames after some customers have registered with usernames? Will their accounts become un-reachable for them?
Hace 13 años

Make sure you are not entering any html within %%. Change to source and make sure if the token is without any html.


I haven't checked but i suppose it should work for old customers but not for new ones.
Hace 12 años
None of it worked for me ... the only one works fine is %Customer.FirstName%
Hace 12 años
Not all of the message tokens work as labeled in the admin even though they're all shown at the top which makes it somewhat confusing. For example if you want to show gift card data in the order notification email you can't since there can be multiple gift cards in an order and the nopCommerce code isn't built to support this. Unfortunately the area that shows the tokens isn't denoted in some way to tell you that only certain ones are allowed on a per message basis which can make it pretty confusing.
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