Overriding the login post method of customer controller version 4.40

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Hace 1 año
I wrote yidna's answer but it doesn't work in nopCommerce 4.6

in visual studio in debug mode , my custom login method not called and default login method ( in customer controller) called !!

anyone has any recommend ?
Hace 1 año
I just checked and it works fine

Did you register the controller in your NopStartup.cs

        /// <summary>
        /// Add and configure any of the middleware
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">Collection of service descriptors</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configuration of the application</param>
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            services.AddScoped<CustomerController, CustomCustomerController>();
Hace 1 año
Thanks Yidna , I registered my controller in nopstart and its worked!
I did not know that we should register controllers too
Hace 1 año
What I found out is that we just  inherit CustomCustomerController from CustomController and override the base Login method and cause of C# rules, we can not use our custom model (ex:
)  in Login method in our CustomCustomer contoller. Anyone has any idea that how we should override
route to our custom route because method overriding is not route changing.

I tried to use RouteProvider and set new address for /Login but it did not work

endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute(name: "MyCustomConfigurationRouteName",
            pattern: "Login",
            defaults: new { controller = "MyCustomController", action = "MyCustomMethod"});
Hace 1 año
You could use  a Customer View Engine to load your own Version of Login.cshtml
Which has a different Model
Copy the Current Factory model prepare routine and create your own factory to build the modified Model
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