NOP 4.4 Affiliating program

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Hace 2 años
Hi! i check "default" affiliate program in nopcommerce. And there is only option: add "affiliate"? and... we can do something more?

1. I created affiliate. Received number ?affiliateid=2
2. I used
3. I made order.
4. Nothing happen = there is no my order in "affiliate" panel (i tried logged in / guest).
5. I change status of order to "done".
5. Is somwhere "summary" all affiliate orders by month?/ something more?
6. How long cookies works?

Maybe someone using plugins / other affiliate/referal plugin and know which are the best for nopcommerce 4.4?
Hace 2 años
Works fine for me
After you enter the url
You place the order in the same session ?

Order does not need to be paid to display in Affiliate orders
Also checked out as a guest and it still works - If the email of the guest and affiliate is the same they also automatically get linked
Hace 2 años
I think nopCommerce have a limitation here, if you visit store using this url and doesn’t log in instantly (visit any any other page and then login) then affiliation got mapped to guest customer and doesn’t move to main/logged in customer.
This is a bug or limitation of nopCommerce.
Hace 2 años
rmahbub63 wrote:
This is a bug or limitation of nopCommerce.

I just tested it so it is not an issue in v4.4
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