Enviroment specific appsettings.json

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Hace 2 años
Based on the documentation, it should be possible to use different appsettings based on the EnviromentName


...the application configuration settings can be stored in different configurations sources such as appsettings.json file, appsettings.{EnvironmentName}.json file (where the {Environment} is the application's current hosting environments such as Development, Staging or Production)...

but looking at the code (program.cs)

builder.Configuration.AddJsonFile(NopConfigurationDefaults.AppSettingsFilePath, true, true);

public static partial class NopConfigurationDefaults
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the path to file that contains app settings
        /// </summary>
        public static string AppSettingsFilePath => "App_Data/appsettings.json";

it seems this is not supported.

Is this correct or I'm missing something?

Hace 2 años
The public facing appsettings.json file is stored in the AppData folder of the www root default. Not sure if your referring to the public published website and storing other settings separately to other locations? I am sure that if your working local and in a development environment you can setup your on settings location.
You have the source so if you so elected to customize it, why would it not be allowed.
Hace 1 año
Thanks for pointing this out. We've fixed that, details here.
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