Brevo (sendinblue) plugin error message

Hace 11 meses
Unfortunately, there’s been an error, feel free to reach our support team. Error calling CreateAttribute: {"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"Incorrect formula. Please refer to read the formula"}

Is this an important message or just a notification?
Hace 11 meses
I am also seeing the same notification while saving configuration Sendinblue settings.
Hace 11 meses
Is there also an error message in the System Log?  If so, post entire message here (including the stack trace)
Hace 11 meses
sib_api_v3_sdk.Client.ApiException: Error calling CreateAttribute: {"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"Incorrect formula. Please refer to read the formula"}
   at sib_api_v3_sdk.Api.AttributesApi.CreateAttributeAsyncWithHttpInfo(String attributeCategory, String attributeName, CreateAttribute createAttribute)
   at sib_api_v3_sdk.Api.AttributesApi.CreateAttributeAsync(String attributeCategory, String attributeName, CreateAttribute createAttribute)
   at Nop.Plugin.Misc.Sendinblue.Services.SendinblueManager.CreateAttibutesAsync(IList`1 attributes)
Hace 11 meses
You will probably find a solution in this forum thread. Let me know if this is something else.
Hace 11 meses
I was using Nop4.4 and fixed the plugin by following the instructions in post.
Thank you.