Make themes searchable on Marketplace

Hace 10 meses

We just come to know that nopCommerce marketplace search doesn't currently support themes and only search into extensions.

I believe it would be indisputable to add a support for themes searching for anyone who is searching for themes by name or its keywords.

Kindly look into this!

Team nopAccelerate
Hace 10 meses
Thanks a lot for suggestion! We'll implement it in the near time
Hace 10 meses
a.m. wrote:
Thanks a lot for suggestion! We'll implement it in the near time

Thanks Andrei  for quickly looking into this.
Hace 10 meses
We've just add this feature to the themes page. Thanks again for suggestions!
Hace 10 meses
a.m. wrote:
We've just add this feature to the themes page. Thanks again for suggestions!

That's awesome. I am sure this will help nopCommerce users.