Prepopulate the Wishlist e-mail address

Hace 9 meses
Is it possible to prepopulate the Wishlist email address with a specific e-mail so that we could use it as a way of collecting quotations?
Hace 9 meses
The easy way would be to modify this file
Replace this section
<div class="inputs">
    <label asp-for="FriendEmail" asp-postfix=":"></label>
    <input asp-for="FriendEmail" class="friend-email" placeholder="@T("Wishlist.EmailAFriend.FriendEmail.Hint")"/>
    <span asp-validation-for="FriendEmail"></span>

with this (change the email)
<div hidden="hidden">
<input name="FriendEmail" value="[email protected]">

That will hide the Friend Email section.  The other text on the page can be changed in Languages > String resources.