table ajax error

Hace 6 meses
hi everyone,
in my 4.60.4 nopcommerce version I have added a customer page for work with products (crud operation) but when I insert a table and I go to the page I receive this generic error:

DataTables warning: table id=productpictures-grid - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see

In devtools of chrome i find an error in a js file

I think one file is missing  but i don't know which file. I added table.cshtml in views\shared and I copied the code from Admin/Product/Edit where the table is ok and I not have ajax error.

I have added a break point in
@await Html.PartialAsync("Table", new DataTablesModel
    Name = "productpictures-grid",

but the run don't arrive here, the error is before.

If I compare with table page inside the admin area I find a difference in lib_npm, how can I add this folder in my page?

thank you for the answers
Hace 6 meses
the link at error is this:
Hace 6 meses
Your link is not working
You need access
Request access, or switch to an account with access.

When you see the error in browser, check System > Log to see if more information.
Hace 6 meses
hi new york,
do you wanted to say network => log?

Hace 5 meses
No, I mean the Administration > System > Log.
Hace 5 meses
I am working with browser but I can't find Administration > System >  Log.
Can you paste a picture in this forum?
thank you very much
Hace 5 meses
nello wrote:
Administration > System >  Log

That’s it - Can you see anything in Administration - can you access Administration ?
If so and you cannot see the System Log - then maybe you only have restricted access ?
Hace 5 meses
Hi and thanks everyone for the answer,
I know well Administration > System >log in nop but I was looking it in chrome: working in the night sometimes in not a good idea.

I have resolved the error: the model was empty. The message is not more understandable but is the standard message when the table go in error.