Mobile NopCommerce App not redirecting

Hace 3 meses
Our company bought the NopCommerce official mobile application but we noticed that it is not doing any redirects to our payment gateway. Should this feature work out of the box, or do we need to do any configurations? We are handling payments in PostProcessPaymentAsync of the IPaymentMethod interface.
Hace 3 meses
This function works out of the box, you correctly describe your actions, waiting for processing in the PostProcessPaymentAsync method. This is how our payment plugins with a mobile application work.

The first thing I would recommend checking is whether your request is coming via the PaymentInfoWebViewPaymentInfo route in the Web API plugin (controller = "PaymentInfoWebView", action = "PaymentInfo").

If this does not happen, then check which version of the flutter_inappwebview library in the mobile application you are using and let us know. We tested on flutter_inappwebview version: 5.8.0 and it worked well.