Not suitable widget zone found for export form

Hace 2 meses

When adding custom export-buttons to the admin area, e.g. in the order list, you can achieve this via a plugin using components and the widget zone that is invoked next to the regular buttons in the  Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Views\Order\List.html markup.

@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(AdminWidgetViewComponent), new { widgetZone = AdminWidgetZones.OrderListButtons, additionalData = Model })

But: I also need to add a custom export form outside the regular form of Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Views\Order\List.html, so using the widget zone mentioned above is not possible for the form markup. I don't find any suitable widget zone in the admin area for that purpose. Of course I could add one, but is there any other way without touching the core code?

Kind regards, Stephan
Hace 2 meses
You can look at how it was done in our Avalara tax plugin.
Hace 2 meses
I see, thank you for the help.