Previous-Next Product by nopStation

Previous-Next Product by nopStation
Previous/Next Product plugin allows customers to navigate different products from the product details page.
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Versiones soportadas: 4.50
Creado: diciembre 13,2022
Última actualización: diciembre 14,2022

nopStation's Prev/Next Product plugin is developed to enable product navigation from the product details page. Admins can select product navigation criteria based on Category, Manufacturer, and Vendor. Fast on-page product navigation lets your customer browse and view product details in an immersive way.

Features :

  • Set navigation based on: Category, Manufacturer and Vendor
  • Enable looping for product navigation
  • Set widget zone for prev/next buttons on the product details page
  • Set length for the product name to be displayed on prev/next buttons
  • Easy install and configuration