Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

9 anni tempo fa
ARVIXE Hosting Issues

First, ARVIXE hosting is highly recommended by NOP. They have no idea who NOP is and we have had a nightmare with so far. Billing didn't work, can't get an email to them, they do answer your trouble calls but then you never hear back from them. I've registered a complaint to their QA office.

We have 3.3 installed. Starting this past Saturday the navigation system stopped rendering properly [all we see is a non CSS tree of links. It renders the navigation to the point you can't use and therefore you can't get to the Products admin page.

I have to call Arvixe each day to see if they can fix and they have not been able to clear this issue.

Yesterday they [Arvixe] I let them in to the cart admin and they Cleared the Cache and Restarted the Application.

This worked. Everything back to normal.

However, today it's back not rendering properly. If we [Grant & Associates Web Service] do the "Cleared the Cache" and "Restart the Application" then we get:


We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience.

so we get this message or it hour glasses forever or it  doesn't render the nav properly again.

I can also add that this only happens on our Vista and Win 8.1 OS systems.

On XP none of this is experienced [that's interesting]

We are convinced that this is NOP problem not Arvixe.
9 anni tempo fa
I am adding nopCommerce as an Application in my Windows GoDaddy account. The application seems to install correctly but the Administration Menu does not pick up the styling so I end up with an unstyled Admin Page. Does anyone know how to correct this ?
9 anni tempo fa
I tried to load a clean version of 3.4 and I keep getting 403 error. Permissions error.

So I loaded a clean version of 3.3 and I got the setup page.

loaded a clean version of 3.4 again and same issue. I did load a default.html page to see if I can see it and I can.

I have loaded several NopCommerce web site but this one is giving me issues why?

3.3 I can get to load just fine but 3.4 I get permission error.
9 anni tempo fa
I want to install nopCommerce with our existing web site and our web site user authentication how it is possiable.
9 anni tempo fa
Hi , im from Chile, and im begining with the product, it was  install in IIS7 , but , when try to execute the Install, show me a error , with file not found ( Localhost/install) .

Im installing the version NOsource.

Regards, and thank you for your support.

Miguel P Gatica
9 anni tempo fa
I am trying to install nopcommerce 3.3 with source code edition on website, not my local computer, because i need to add pages, to fit the situation: main category and sub-category, for example: chair and wood chair Baju Anak (http:///
9 anni tempo fa
You can't run from source code on your hosted site.  There are a few ways to "add pages".  Would you be more specific?
9 anni tempo fa
I have downloaded the new version of nopcommerce in which they are providing vendor access to add .... but i am getting the error ..


    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\App_Data'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\bin'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\content'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\content\images'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\content\images\thumbs'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\content\images\uploaded'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\content\files\exportimport'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on file 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\Global.asax'. Please configure these permissions.
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on file 'E:\HostingSpaces\nkwebart1\\wwwroot\web.config'. Please configure these permissions.

I haven't found this version on web app gallery to setup on the specific domain .

If you have some links or any suggestions , kindly do let me know ... asap
9 anni tempo fa
nkwebart wrote:
    The 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' account is not granted with Modify permission on folder

Make sure that 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' has write permission on the folders and files

9 anni tempo fa
By the way, version 1.9 requires a extended time to compile on the server. At times 15-30 minutes for me. Do the new versions two.X take much less time? Has anyone compared the distinction?