Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

9 anni tempo fa
I got the help from shadat and it works.

R Egil
9 anni tempo fa
Good morning. Let me start with a webmaster I am not.  I downloaded nopcommerce and got really confused as to how to get the sql piece configured.  Would someone have "English" directions?  I don't have a server. Just my laptop Thank you in advance
9 anni tempo fa
I’m getting errors when I try to run the VS project. I unzipped the rar and opened up the sln with VS 2013. Backend is SQL 2012.

The tables, functions, procs were created in SQL.

Are dummy records supposed to go into SQL?

The project opens and builds ok but the first issue was an error on the CustomerService page:

Line 471:
            //add to 'Guests' role
            var guestRole = GetCustomerRoleBySystemName(SystemCustomerRoleNames.Guests);
      //if (guestRole == null)
      //  throw new NopException("'Guests' role could not be loaded");


guestRole was null so I commented the lines out and added a try-catch block.

That got me past this error. The plan was to get everything working then change the code back to its original state. I thought maybe it was because no records were in the SQL tables.

The next issue was in the Global.asax page. It was erroring on the culture so I made a change to get past this error.

                //var culture = new CultureInfo(workContext.WorkingLanguage.LanguageCulture);
        var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

At this point I started adding dummy records to SQL.

--insert into store
--(Name, Url, SslEnabled, DisplayOrder, CompanyName)
--('Points', 'http://localhost', 1, 1, 'Test Group')

--insert into CustomerRole
--(Name, FreeShipping, TaxExempt, Active, IsSystemRole, PurchasedWithProductId)
--('John Doe', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

Now another Null on PermissionService, line 327:

var customerRoles = customer.CustomerRoles.Where(cr => cr.Active);

The cr.Active bool is Null.

So what am I missing here?
9 anni tempo fa

I installed NOP to a WinServer + SQL Server Express + IIS.

It seems complete, I have sample data but whatever Category I click, I get this message:
We're sorry, an internal error occurred.  ...

... and the URL turns into this:

Do you have any recommendations for troubleshooting?

Thank you!
9 anni tempo fa

I am finding the upgrade instruction confusing and lacking in information a newbie can understand? I guess it is self explanatory if you are a developer  but not everyone is..

  Would there happen to be simpler instructions for noobs doing upgrades ? or do i have to just figure it out ?

Luckily a really nice guy on here told me how to use the upgrade scripts with ' New Query' but until then i had no idea what execute over database meant !

I have executed the upgrade scripts one at a time until I get an error message at 2.7 script , nothing in the instructions mentions what to do if you encounter an error telling me a table is missing ?  but I thought that was the whole point of using upgrade scripts on the database ?

line 5 in the instructions.
  5. Remove all files from the previous version. As you deploy, make sure that the target App_Data\Settings.txt and App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt files aren't overwritten, so that the production site continues to point to the production database.

now I am probably just being stupid here but do I remove all the files from my root folder ? if so there is nothing to be overwritten, then if i only copy back the two txt files and the pictures then all other data will be lost wont it ?

sorry but I am really confused with the instructions ..
8 anni tempo fa
Hi all,

I try to make sure it got problem with FB external login or not so that I try to install new fresh Nop 3.60, the result it still issue to problem which I cannot login by FB external. Please see my screenshot.

In advance setting has:

- externalauthenticationsettings.requireemailvalidation  False
- Auto register enabled: Checked.
- Registration method: Email Validation


Have anyone got this problem same me please advice.

8 anni tempo fa
I have an issue with 3.6. I am using VS 2013. My dev server is currently running 3.5 without any problems. I published 3.6 using VS using the Release option. Installing 3.6 on my server went fine. Application starts ok but when I go to the admin panel, I don't see anything in the dashboard. Also if I click any of the menu options, the hourglass keeps rotating and nothing appears.

I have posted the image of the problem. Please let me know how can I get around this. By the way when I run 3.6 using VS in debug mode, everything works as it should without any problems. Am I missing something in the publish process? Any help would be great in the matter!

Thanks in advance!
8 anni tempo fa
Do I need to install some new features on my existing IIS? 3.5 works fine but 3.6 doesn't work. I noticed there are security updates in the release notes. I updated my IIS on the server with all of the features selected but it still doesn't work.

I really can use some help in the matter. Thanks so much!
8 anni tempo fa
suloveoun wrote:
Hi all,

I try to make sure it got problem with FB external login or not so that I try to install new fresh Nop 3.60, the result it still issue to problem which I cannot login by FB external. Please see my screenshot.

In advance setting has:

- externalauthenticationsettings.requireemailvalidation  False
- Auto register enabled: Checked.
- Registration method: Email Validation


Have anyone got this problem same me please advice.


I try to debug and I see the Email does not get from application when login,

Can anyone help me please what happen... or can tell me where to change code, any suggestion is appreciated.
8 anni tempo fa
Is it possible to change the namespaces when running in visual studio.

for example I have two sites for two different customers, so I can easily differentiate between the two Id like to have

(of course all the relating namespaces would need to change too)

Thank you in advance