Nopcommerce Topics enhancement

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7 anni tempo fa
Hi. i'm very enthusiast with Nopcommerce and i think that Topics (alias pages) are the worst part in Nop.

I used a lot of plugins from NOP marketplace to improve Topics layout but any of those used accomplish the target of a real content management.

Nop use widget and widget zone to put contents on pages: in topics can't is not possible to use these features and even if i customize the template files the results is always static and monolityc.

I used HTML Widget plugin from Nop-templates and i think that it is possible to have a good and quick result reviewing topics function in the way i show below:

1. A topic must have a list of widget
2. Each Widget can be assigned to a specific widget zone. Each widget have an editor to put the content in.
3. Use of shortcodes can improve the inclusion of some reusable content
4. The topic template file must include the logic to show the content of the topic.

I'll wait some suggestions and improvent ...
7 anni tempo fa
Have you read this topic:
Or this plugin:
7 anni tempo fa
Hi. I read the post you mentioned: why use another product to do simple things? I'm experencied with integration and as i read Umbraco is note really user friendly as it claim declare.

The integrations of two platform maybe its good for medium and large customer ... probably not for small.

so ... it's better now to have a little enhancement of Nop TOPICS ...
7 anni tempo fa
CMS Plugin ... there is no demo and clear specs of CMS plugin ...

So how can i spend money without understand?

It seems not a plugin but a metaplugin to customize and develop...

Am i wroNG?
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