nopCommerce v1.70 released

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13 anni tempo fa
We are extremely happy to announce the availability of nopCommerce v1.70 for download and upgrade. Visit this page to download the latest version and get involved in the nopCommerce Community. See below for more detailed information on what's new and improved in 1.70!

No major features have been introduced with this release as our development efforts were focused on moving to ASP.NET 4.0, further enhancements and fixing bugs, but it does include the following changes:

1. Moving to ASP.NET 4.0 (Visual Studio 2010 is required to edit source code)
2. Simplified data access. Using ORM now (Entity framework 4.0)
3. QuickBooks integration
4. Performance optimization
5. A lot of bug fixes and improvements.

To see the full list of fixes and changes please visit the release notes page.
13 anni tempo fa
13 anni tempo fa
Awsome,  Thx Nop Team

13 anni tempo fa
Maybe a stupid question: our hosting partner says windows server core 2008 doesn't support .Net4.0 yet and we must wait for service pack or hotfix...

Does this mean I cannot upgrade to nop 1.70?
13 anni tempo fa
Great News !!!

Thanks a lot nopCommerce Team...
13 anni tempo fa
rudgr wrote:
Maybe a stupid question: our hosting partner says windows server core 2008 doesn't support .Net4.0 yet and we must wait for service pack or hotfix...

Does this mean I cannot upgrade to nop 1.70?

Unfortunately the answer would appear to be "yes you cannot" at least until there is a service release of Core. From what I've just been reading don't expect that overnight either.
13 anni tempo fa
Nice move of our MS friends, not supporting .Net 4.0 on their server OS... ;-(
13 anni tempo fa
Hello there.
I cannot install it locally

keep getting the vase.Add(provider); error

"argumentException was unhandled by user code"

hat is weir is that i have been testing the last "updates" and could install them without problems.

any ideas?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration.Provider;

namespace UrlRewritingNet.Configuration.Provider
    public class UrlRewritingProviderCollection : ProviderCollection
        public override void Add(ProviderBase provider)
            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("provider");
            if (!(provider is UrlRewritingProvider))
                string msg = string.Format("Provider must implement type {0}", typeof(UrlRewritingProvider).ToString());
                throw new ArgumentException(msg, "provider");
        public void CopyTo(UrlRewritingProvider[] providers, int index)
            base.CopyTo(providers, index);
        new public UrlRewritingProvider this[string name]
                return (UrlRewritingProvider)base[name];
13 anni tempo fa
sorry about the double post.. but.

i managed to run the site locally by creating manually a db and running the "install" scritps.. but.. using the installer.. couldnt.

is it the same? is there something missing in the site by not installing it properly?

13 anni tempo fa
I'm getting error on products page load. Updated from ver1.6.  Any ideas? Thanks in advance

A generic error occurred in GDI+.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.

Source Error:

Line 374:                            var ep = new EncoderParameters();
Line 375:                            ep.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, PictureManager.ImageQuality);
Line 376:                            newBitMap.Save(Path.Combine(PictureManager.LocalThumbImagePath, localFilename), getImageCodeInfo("image/jpeg"), ep);
Line 377:                            newBitMap.Dispose();
Line 378:                            b.Dispose();

Source File: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\nopCommerce_1.70_Source\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Media\PictureManager.cs    Line: 376
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