Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

10 年 前
Hello guys,

I have created one module in nopcommerce in which i want to create one file.

I have created following files for that:

Services files, Data file, Domain file, ObjectContext file, Provider file Controller, model & view

But when i am trying to install that plugin it gives me an error like following:

Sequence contains more than one matching element

I don't understand why this error occurs.

Can anyone help me?

All answers are accepted.

Thanks in anticipation.
10 年 前
abhay1087 wrote:
But when i am trying to install that plugin it gives me an error like following:

Sequence contains more than one matching element

(Your post is not really related to this topic.  In any case...)

You're plugin is probably trying to install a db table that already exists.
10 年 前
Hi, just downloaded the source for this amazing project. The store front runs fine but I am not able to run admin section from Visual studio.
I am using VS2012. Please suggest if I need to do anything specific to run the admin section.

Thanks & Regards
10 年 前
a.m. wrote:

according to #2  "Once you open the site for the first time, you’ll be redirected to the installation page, as follows:"

Well that didn't happen I just get an index of files and directories that do not do anything.

I should back up and explain how I tried to install it, since the documentation fails to explain that.  
I downloaded the no source version extracted it to a local directory,  then using filezilla Iuploaded to the directory I wanted the shop to reside.    

It seems like the logical thing to do in absence of instructions.   And it didn't work.  
I am already disappointed in the product and I haven't even gotten it started...  Way to go guys!
10 年 前
Created a new topic for this because questions are not suppose to be asked in this (sticky) topic. Please answer there.



I'm an loyal user of NOP. Now live with 2.4, I want to install 3.1 from scratch locally (localhost).

I download the source version, unpack the whole thing in a directory under My Websites.

I open VS2013. All ok. Project loads.I see the whole structure of the solution.

Then I close VS2013 (to have a drink first before I actually run the installation of NOP) and start it (VS2013) up again and the loading freezes half way!

It says "Visual Studio is Busy" and projects within the solution show status "initializing"....

But nothing happens.

Looks to me like bad advertisement for new users.... :-(

If I install the solution (= run Nop.Web project in browser) before I go for that drink it installs normally and all works (including Admin area). But as soon as I close VS2013 and start it up again it VS2103 freezes (= busy).

Please help.

Thanks. Stephan.
10 年 前
Sorry, in my previous post: VS2013 = VS2012 :)
10 年 前
I'm new in nop commerce and wanna know that how can i use data base create update etc..
10 年 前
Any one help me to integrating login page and registration page both should be in single page in nopcommerce 3.10 version?
10 年 前
I downloaded 3.10 . Since I wanted to run the latest version and memory consumption problem of nopcommerce , i purchased VPS hosting .  my hosting space was created under c:/myhostingspace, i gave required permissions (read, write, execute ) IIS_USER  user and admin user. Installed MVC 4.+ , I changed the physical location of root folder to my hosting space I mentioned above. Assigned .net framework 4 integrated application pool. I also installed the .net framework4.5 changed the webconfig value as mentioned some other post . Still no go .

Please some one advise me step by step , iis 7.5 and nopcommerce 3.10 installation .

i dont want to go change to php and magento please help
10 年 前
i have downloaded nopCommerce source code, but when i try to open solution in visual studio 2012,  after loading half project its getting busy.. and not able to run project.

what is the problem? any one help me in this?