2.1 - Database 2.0 to 2.1 update

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12 years ago
Is there SQL anywhere to run in query analyzer that will upgrade a 2.0 database to 2.1

Starting my 2.1 install I get "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'UniqueSeoCode'."
12 years ago
Upgrade script can be found here
12 years ago
Thanks, guess I was a bit excited and missed that one.
12 years ago

(1 row(s) affected)
Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IX_Customer_Email' has maximum length of 2000 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IX_Customer_Username' has maximum length of 2000 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
12 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Upgrade script can be found here

How can upgrade my database from 1.9 to 2.1. Also in 1.9 version I set my database info in the ConnectionStrings.config file. Where do I do it in 2.1?.

12 years ago
It'll probably be better for you to upgrade to ver 2.0 first. You can find the upgrade script here  nopCommerce 2.00 (upgrade script).

You can then then run the nopCommerce 2.10 (upgrade script) upgrade script

During the 1.x -> 2.x upgrade, a lot of code refactoring was done such that the database schema was extensive changed for the better. You'll even notice that the table names are now different.

The connection string is now located in <websiteRoot>\App_Data\Settings.txt
12 years ago
Thank you !
9 years ago

Something wrong with nopcommerce 2.1 . could not go with upgrade process further or installation as separate project, so what I did to get around of this,

1. run upgrade script for database in a sequence (1.9>2.0>2.1.....>3.5) make a backup of every step.
2. download project version same as the upgraded database version. (e.g data base has been upgraded to 3.5 (final script of 3. version has run through) and then need to download nopCommerce3.5 source to run with the same database version).

  Note: nopCommerce version would be same as the version of database upgrade script has run through.

3. Rebuild project, add App_Data\Settings.txt , App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt  
note: make sure your project is setup as debug mode.

Then you debug project then should go through successfully.

you could skip all the project version to go through.

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