Installing Nop 2.0+ on Azure

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12 years ago
Hey Andrei, How can I publish the changeset in order to be more useful for you? (I use Mercurial for source code control)
12 years ago
One of the best way to contribute is creating a new fork on codeplex. Please find more info here ('Contributing source code' section)
12 years ago
one issue with azure is the high hosting pricing which seems to be targeted at enterprise solutions
i wonder if anyone has found cheaper azure hosting / compariable hosting alternatives
in particular that uses appfabric?
12 years ago
I've finally posted a pull request on a fork I've created with the changes for Azure Drive support.
I hope this helps in using nopcommerce on Azure, while full support using Blob Storage is creating.
12 years ago
Thanks a lot for this contribution!
12 years ago

I was wondering how I can get access to this new fork of the source control so that I can install and test this on my azure environment.

Regarding the cost of this most clients on azure wish to integrate their online shop with their application so it makes sense for them to do so. I doon't think cost is a huge issue as the revenue is possibly coming from two sources. online store and Software As A Service revenue

12 years ago
colmdoconnell wrote:

I was wondering how I can get access to this new fork of the source control so that I can install and test this on my azure environment.

Regarding the cost of this most clients on azure wish to integrate their online shop with their application so it makes sense for them to do so. I doon't think cost is a huge issue as the revenue is possibly coming from two sources. online store and Software As A Service revenue


Use it at your risk:

- Undo the modifications at DataSettingManager, is a bug of mine. It implies Settings.txt and Plugins.txt cannot be changed on Azure: not editables settings is affordable as I assumed you put the instance preconfigured (database) on Azure; but not editables plugins can be a drawback if your users will be ables of change instance plugins configuration.
Editables plugins will require putting the availabled plugins dlls at Blob Storage by some mechanism and copy the installed ones dlls to bin folder used by the plugins dynamic load appdomain on app start.
- Upload the database (I've configured one before make the fork modifications) using the Azure Migration Wizard that is availabe on CodePlex. It works like a charm.
- I have made some other changes that I will put on a new fork when I can: To allow nopcommerce database access using a schema other than "dbo". It is useful if you have other app (ie: corportate web site) on the same nopcommerce Azure Web Role and want to pay only one database on Azure SQL (the cost per database is 9.99€ under 1 GB). Observe that ironically, if your db grows much maybe is better to split on two databases (cost for +1GB upto 5GB is 49.99€) to pay less money (calculations required!!!). Very often new commerce sites need some time to be popular and shared db is a money saver option.
12 years ago
I want to share the MSBuild modifications for publish project Nop.Admin output files within Nop.Web to IIS or Azure using Web Deploy.
The problems is that "Publish" action inside Visual Studio omits Administration and Plugin folders and those artifacts must be copied manually.

Follow these steps to get those artifacts copied as well when publish Nop.Web project:
1.- In Solution Explorer select Nop.Web right click on "Unload project".
2.- Then right click again and select "Edit Nop.Web.csprj".
3.- In the editor find the lines (very bottom) listed below:
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
4.- Insert right below the following lines:

  <Target Name="DefineCustomFiles">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\Content\**\*.*">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\Scripts\**\*.*">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\Views\**\*.*">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\bin\**\*.*">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\sitemap.xml">
      <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Administration\web.config">
        <CustomFilesToInclude Include="Plugins\**\*.*">
  <Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
      <FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="@(CustomFilesToInclude)">

5.- Save the file and Reload project in Solution Explorer.

Then when you "Publish" Nop.Web project on IIS or Azure, the Nop.Admin artifacts are published as well in one click.

Hope this help...
12 years ago
Along the lines of other posts, I've been able to get nopCommerce 2.40 running in Windows Azure.  More details and steps I took are available here:
12 years ago
algorithmer wrote:
I want to share the MSBuild modifications for publish project Nop.Admin output files within Nop.Web to IIS or Azure using Web Deploy.
The problems is that "Publish" action inside Visual Studio omits Administration and Plugin folders and those artifacts must be copied manually.

I've tried this using Publish Method "File System" to a local drive folder  -  it's not publishing Admin.dll, and AutoMapper.dll
Any thoughts?
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