[TUTORIAL] Creating a Flyout categories menu

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12 years ago
Last night I created a flyout menu for my website. I thought it would be a good idea to share it with the community. This menu is based on the free plugin extension "Nop Categories Header Menu" already available from https://www.nop-templates.com/. I am using the 2.3 version. I have not tested it for other versions but I don't think there will be much difference.

If you want a header drop down then the "Nop Categories Header Menu" is good to go out of the box but I wanted a flyout menu from the left categories column.
PLEASE NOTE: The current CSS has been written for showing three levels of menus, although it can be extended to accomodate virtually any depth level.

1) Download the plugin from http://www.nop-templates.com/p/11/nop-categories-header-menu and install as per the help document.

2) DO NOT follow the steps for integrating the plugin automatically. We will be doing it manually.

3) After installing go to Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Catalog and open the file CategoryNavigation.cshtml. Comment out everything under the "listbox" div(in italics below) and paste
@Html.Action("CategoriesHeaderMenu", "CategoriesHeaderMenu") (in bold below) anywhere in the div . The final code between the <div class="listbox"></div>
should look like:

                @foreach (var category in Model)
                    <li class="@(category.IsActive ? "active" : "inactive")"
                    @if (category.NumberOfParentCategories > 0)
                        //TODO we hard-coded 'margin-left'. But we should set 'margin-right' for RTL languages
                        if (this.ShouldUseRtlTheme())
                        <text>style="margin-right: @(category.NumberOfParentCategories * categoryPadding)px"</text>
                        <text>style="margin-left: @(category.NumberOfParentCategories * categoryPadding)px"</text>
                    ><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { categoryId = category.Id, SeName = category.SeName })">@category.Name
                        @if (category.DisplayNumberOfProducts)
                            <text> (@(category.NumberOfProducts))</text>

            @Html.Action("CategoriesHeaderMenu", "CategoriesHeaderMenu")

4) Now go to Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu\Styles and open the CSS file "jquery.superfishmenu.css" in your choice of editor. Delete everything present there and paste the following CSS in the file:

.categoriesHeaderMenu, .categoriesHeaderMenu *
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    text-decoration: none;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li ul  {
    display: none;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li a
    width: 160px;
    color: #FFFFFF;

.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul
    display:block; position: absolute; top:-5px;
    padding:5px 10px 10px;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover a
    display:block; color:#f93; font-style:italic;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li a:hover { color:#f93;font-style:italic;}
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li a
    width: 150px;
    list-style: none;
    color: #FFFFFF;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li:hover a
    color:#f93; font-style:italic;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li a:hover
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li a
    width: 150px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li:hover ul li a:hover
    color:#f93; font-style:italic;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li ul
    display: none;
.categoriesHeaderMenu ul li:hover ul li:hover ul
    display:block; position: absolute; top:-5px;
    left:150px; padding:5px 10px 10px;

I have kept the default Dark Orange theme look and feel and added a few animations on top of that. You can change the colors and background to suit your needs.
5) I have also made the following changes in the styles.css file for a consistent look and feel on all the listboxes on the left and right sidebars.

.block{margin:0 0 5px;padding:0 0 5px;color:#FFF;}
.block .title{ font-size:16px;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;padding:5px 10px;color:#f93;background:#333 url(images/bg_sidebar_title.gif) no-repeat; text-align:center;}
.block .listbox{font-size:small;padding:5px 10px 10px;line-height:18px;background:#404040 url(images/bg_sidebar_block.gif) no-repeat left bottom;margin:0;}
.block .listbox ul{margin:0;padding:1px; color:#3664A5;background-color:inherit;}
.block .listbox ul li{ border-bottom: 1px ridge #ccc;}
.block a{color:#FFF;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none;padding:1px;}
.block a:hover{color:#f93; text-decoration:blink; font-style:italic;}

Please compare with the original styles.css file and make or omit the changes that you want.
After this the end flyout should look like:

The CSS and code changes are open for comments. Feel free to suggest any improvements :-)

Special thanks to the developers at http://www.nop-templates.com for making this a free plugin.
11 years ago
hi there i have installed the plugin and followed the instructions as to copy and pasting, however the menu is there but i cannot get to fly out, and am not sure what i am doing wrong. was wandering if you had any guide as to what to check ?

thanks in advance
11 years ago
just an update to let you know that my design is based on the nopclassic template and i had copied and renamed the darkorange file after my template name when i should have copied the nopclassic file and renamed it after my template name

11 years ago
Thank infiniti
But Flyout categories menu still dark orange when I change store themes.
11 years ago
Yes I have done the changes with the dark orange theme. The new theme just came out and I will be posting some new CSS soon according to the new theme after testing the new changes. I hope it will be completed in the next week.
11 years ago
thank you very much for your tutorial. using nopclassic theme was even easier

you can see the result www.armycamp.gr
11 years ago
Happy that my tutorial helped you, it looks nice. You have got some really nice products although I couldn't understand the language, I love army stuff. I noticed one thing that the pictures on your homepage do not point to any links. Its better to have links on your homepage so that customers can quickly find what they want instead of seeing just static pictures.
11 years ago
your post was really very very helpful for me....finally i changed my left side category into flyout menu style.....
I am using nop 2.8 version with NopClassicTheme.
If you don't mind,could you please give me the code for changing the same into good look which would be like this:
11 years ago
Lokesh wrote:
your post was really very very helpful for me....finally i changed my left side category into flyout menu style.....
I am using nop 2.8 version with NopClassicTheme.
If you don't mind,could you please give me the code for changing the same into good look which would be like this: http://www.snapdeal.com/

That is not the same type of menu. It uses jquery and is called Mega Menu. It is a special type of menu and requires additional jquery files to run. Just google How to create a Mega  Menu and you will find a lot of tutorials. Then its your jquery knowledge which will determine how quickly you can implement it :-)
11 years ago
I don't know the jquery and i am a fresher....please gude me how to do it.
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