Product Attributes & Inventory?

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12 years ago
Can inventory be tracked for each product attribute of a product variant? For instance, I may have a T-shirt for sale and have product variants setup for size (S, M, L) and color (Blue, Red, Yellow). I would like to be able to keep track of inventory for each possible combination of color and size and not just that I have a T-shirt. It would also make sense to be able to assign a SKU to each attribute as well.
12 years ago
SilhouetteBS wrote:
Can inventory be tracked for each product attribute of a product variant? For instance, I may have a T-shirt for sale and have product variants setup for size (S, M, L) and color (Blue, Red, Yellow). I would like to be able to keep track of inventory for each possible combination of color and size and not just that I have a T-shirt. It would also make sense to be able to assign a SKU to each attribute as well.

Inventory traking can be done for attribute combination combination. In the variant info tab you must specify:
Manage inventory method:  Track inventory by product attributes .
Check example of Etnies Men's Digit Sneaker in demo admin.
Then in the Product Variant Attributes tab define the inventories as shown in example (in Attribute Combination tab).

There is an extension (v1.9) for genarating SKUs for attribute combinations.

In my point of view Skus should be assignable to attribute combinations or single attributes when they are independent (as operative sistem, monitor size, RAM size, etc. in example of build your own computer), and then inventory traking should be carried in an independent table relating only SKUs with inventory.
12 years ago

I don't see an option to request "low inventory alerts" when tracking inventory by product attributes.

I also don't see zero quantity products appearing in the "low stock report".

Is there a reason why? Can this be fixed?

Thank you, George.
12 years ago

I don't see an option to request "low inventory alerts" when tracking inventory by product attributes.

I also don't see zero quantity products appearing in the "low stock report".

Is there a reason why? Can this be fixed?

Thank you, George.

Hi George:
The out/low of stock reports/alerts only apply to product variant and not to attributes combinations.
12 years ago
Thanks. I figured as much.

i see that i can't pull a product report either showing inventory counts when using Product Attributes (even though a stock quantity has been specified and is being collected)

I assume these things can be updated with some technical support by a person who knows the system?

Thanks again.
3 years ago
we are using nopcommerce version 4.3. is there any possibility to display the stock quantity of the product (inventory tracked by product attribute )  in the administration view >> catalog>> product >>  
product list . how could we track the quantity of the product (inventory tracked by product attribute) if we need to generate Reports  ?

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